Discover how my 2 year old learned to read and gain insight into the early literacy method I developed to help other parents, caregivers and educators teach their own little ones to read from an early age.

Hi there! My name is Johanna. I’m the creator and founder of STOP READ GO®. I developed the TRI method after successfully teaching my 2 year old to read and realizing that I had just found the secret to early literacy. Since then, it has become my mission to share this secret and my experience with other parents and educators in an effort to fight against and prevent childhood illiteracy. If you have a child between the ages 0-5 and would like to give them the gift and the power of early literacy, I encourage you to try my method.
“Early literacy is more than just having the ability to read. It is about having access to the amazing world of information that reading makes available to them. And information is powerful.” – Johanna
I invite you to watch this short clip about my son’s reading journey. And if you’d like to find out how I accomplished such a seemingly “impossible” task of teaching my child to read at such an early age, feel free to fill out the opt-in form below.
Fill out the following form to gain exclusive access to a video presentation where I go in detail about my story and my method and the steps you can take to get started teaching your own. After filling out the form you’ll get instructions on how to access the full video presentation: